IvanLaliashvili on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ivanlaliashvili/art/Megacity-2-844401182IvanLaliashvili

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trailer     www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGowG-…
Some of you my dear friends keep asking me -where is you tutorial man, or do you have gumroad videos dude? Finally - Yes, i have. Please your support and comments are welcome!
This is my full course about creating Megacity in Blender/Photoshop.

For more info or buy my course please visit:

What you'll get with this course:
- More than 4 hours of narrated videos describing whole process creating complex scenes in Blender/Photoshop
- All PSD.(layers) and PNG. files
- Blender files
- References and textures that i picked for this project.

Main topics:
- Sketch/Composition
- How and where to find right textures
- Modeling/Texturing (Blender)
- Creating a whole big scene
- Lighting in Eevee/Cycles
- Render passes

This course will be very helpful and easy to follow for the beginners. And i hope some advanced users of Blender might find something interesting too.
Thank you,
Image size
1920x1118px 774.71 KB
© 2020 - 2024 IvanLaliashvili
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Daniel-McKnight's avatar

So uhm, if Megacity is 25 USD now... How much it will be to buy, when it's complete?