ivan-cukic on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ivan-cukic/art/Grow-openSUSE-12-3-wallpaper-355047264ivan-cukic

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ivan-cukic's avatar

Grow - openSUSE 12.3 wallpaper



I was asked by Marcus and Richard of openSUSE to create another wallpaper. This one to be the default for the 12.3 release (after the stripes were used a couple releases ago).

They had the idea of the openSUSE gecko standing on a plant - see [link] which I reworked to create this. The release (the release is in less than a month) will contain various resolutions that Richard has rendered, I'm posting just the original here.

I don't really think it comes even close to stripes, but nothing does :) But, it *is* very pleasant to have on your desktop, and quite calming.

As usual, the image is done in Inkscape. Without any post-processing.
Image size
1920x1080px 2.85 MB
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elgregorPL's avatar
I installed 13.2 and there's a boring wallpaper. But once I saw someone with this wall and I thought that it was killer.

And after a quick search I ended up here. Thank you for this wall. :)