iumazark on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/iumazark/art/Wonder-Woman-212311514iumazark

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iumazark's avatar

Wonder Woman



This is a sortition prize of an Exposition i did in a high school as invited artist.

But I've nothing new as "art" to expose, so i solved to expose some prints of somepieces of here in DA. Was very interesting.

Thanks guys for all care there, I wasn't hoping as much

the illustration/gift goes to Talissa. She likes Wonder woman and asked for.

I'm a little timid, but here you can check out a pic with me getting a certified over there. [link]

i hope you like!
Image size
750x1080px 916.86 KB
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gordhanx's avatar
Awesome! Love the pose, details, colouring, lighting, shading and background.