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Ittichy's avatar

Keep your smoke away from us



cross I hate smoke. I hate to eat on the exterior and having to be eating with my dinner someone else's smoke there... People smoking in the forest ruining our nature, or to visit someone's house where they smoke on the inside, no caring of their pets, children's or visits health. It's just wrong to put your addiction over other's health, like, yes is your house but that's it, a material, a space, the rest of us are alive and I don't see it fair that someone's health get's affected by other people selfish choices, like sure, you choose to destroy your own health and letting a drug to control you, but that's not MY choice. A smoker is as dangerous as a car for the climate change, so if you smoke and bother to recycle and worry about nature, you contaminate the air with your smoke, careful. cross 

Pixel: Cig If you want to know more about second hand smoke risks, I invite you to read this updated article:…

ferrugineum heart bow Free to use on Deviantart ferrugineum heart bow 

pink heart Pixel cigarette drawing by me
pink heart The Stamp Base was made by :iconzilla774:
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JacksonProductions76's avatar

This is a message I agree with. If people want to screw up their own bodies, so be it, but they should at least think about other living beings, even if their tobacco supposedly has little to no second hand smoke. And of course, don't litter.