Castle Crashers SneakersItsmeJonas on DeviantArt

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Castle Crashers Sneakers



YAY! their finaly done! my ''custom castlecrashers sneakers'' :)
i really loved doing this project, and i think it turned out great :D

what i did;
-i bought cheap-sneakers; 20 euro
-bought a montana gold true blue spray paint can; 4 euro
-bought 4 bottles of paint. white, black, dark blue and lighter blue; 10 euro
total; 34 euro and a weekend of painting :D

lots of people think this is HARD to do. not at all! just get good images from the web, and just DO it. i started once to, and i think even my 1st pair of sneakers looked great :D dont be afraid, just give it a try ;)

hope this inspired you all :D

special thanks to;
-dan paladin, for the great design. i love your style! (
-the behemoth, for making Castle Crashers! ( -

thanks for reading :D

Image size
1098x753px 272.85 KB
© 2008 - 2025 ItsmeJonas
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