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Jacqueline Ashwell Photography
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From time to time I visit DA to see what
others are doing, even if I haven't added anything in awhile.

Today during my visit it occurred to me that I have some images on my drive from the past year or so that I could process and upload. 

I've also moved to a new city that has some interesting historic architecture and amazing landscapes, so I should get out there and capture some of it.

Hope this message finds you doing well.

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I have been taking lots of well-framed shots... 

...with my iPhone camera.

Yes, yes. I know.

Admission: I don't even know where my camera is.

Yes, yes. I know.

I should definitely find my gear and charge up batteries and go exploring. I've been in this amazing city over two years now, and know that I am over half-way through my time here, and I should start capturing some of my favorite places for future reminiscing.

Hope all is well in your world, friends.

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I seem to be taking lots of very nicely framed shots... with my iPhone.

Yes, yes. I know.

I'm not even sure where my camera is. I should find it and put its batteries on the charger and spend an upcoming weekend exploring this great town I moved to two and a half years ago. Every day I see lovely architectural details in our historic district, great opportunities for macros in the community gardens and parks, days when Mt. Rainier is a difficult-to-capture ghost on our horizon.

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Just swooping in to see what beautiful things people have been up to.  Hope all is well in your worlds.

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Okay, obviously I am not good at keeping up with this journaling thing, nor with keeping new year's resolutions about getting on top of my photo organization / selling.  

But!  Be it known that I am still alive and that I have been taking some photos and that things are going well.

And I hope you are doing well as well.

- Jacqueline

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Unprocessed Photos by Isquiesque, journal

I have gotten lazy. by Isquiesque, journal

On the cusp of another new year... by Isquiesque, journal

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