Hills of the ShireIsquiesque on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/isquiesque/art/Hills-of-the-Shire-25467342Isquiesque

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Hills of the Shire



The cow in the foreground was the straw that broke the camel's back. I walk this stretch of field with some frequency when visiting Bishop's Castle, so I've sort of gotten over the need to take photographs every five feet along the path, but as I was walking along through the fields one afternoon this past October, this cow just sat there watching me go by, and it looked so peaceful with the fields in the distance that I decided to dig out my camera. This took a bit of time, and the cow just stayed there, perfectly posed. It moved right after I took the photo. Good cow.

I changed my mind about a dozen times on the best complement of colors for the border and title. Still not sure I'm happy with what I have.

And, as has been pointed out on at least one other photograph, the sky is sort of nonexistant. This is a product of it being England and therefore overcast, but if anyone has any pointers on how to make an overcast sky more intriguing, I'd love to know your tricks.
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youliedanyway's avatar
The cow makes it even more of an amazing shot. It looks like the Great Smials... (where the Tooks' live, in Hobbiton.) hehe, but I'm an obsessive loser. It's also a phenomenla shot!