Iso-Island Update 3.1

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IsomaraIndex's avatar

 Small notice to where we are at in the game development.

Past Journal:

Iso-Island Update 3.0We have officially reached v3.0 meaning @Isomara-Island is officially out of Alpha and is now in Beta. Now being in Beta testing means that later on, the staff will be looking for active members to beta test new and old systems to give feedback. Keep a look out for that and make sure to read the update notes below.Past Journal: Update notes: 150/150 Isomara have been uploaded (includes Isolings) 62/67 Items for exploration have been drawn and uploaded to the  Exploration Journal .  Isolings can now train for a +2 in a stat! If you have any trainings/pictures/literature with any Isolings in it that you think could qualify as training n...

Update notes:

  • 150/151 Isomara have been uploaded (includes Isolings)
  • 67/67 Items for exploration have been drawn and uploaded to the Exploration Journal.
  • March is Memic Awareness Month. Memics, large raptor-like birds, are more likely to be encountered on explorations. Successfully fighting or fleeing from them may yield better rewards. Better train up!
  • Isolings only go down ten (10) hunger points every month unlike, Adult Isomara who go down twenty-five (25) hunger pointson the first of every month.
  • [OPEN] Emoticon Design Contest (Ends March 13th)
  • [OPEN] Isomara DTA Contest! (Ends March 31st)


- Increased Hunger Point values of near all edible items. Some include but not limited to: 
    - x1 Dragon Fruit from +25 HP to +50 HP
    - x1 Apple from +1 HP to +2 HP
    - +1 HP for x3 Berries instead of +1 HP for x10 Berries
    - x1 Carrot from +2 to +4 HP
    - x1 Crab from +3 to +7 HP
    - x1 Lobster from +9 HP to +20 HP
    - x1 PB & J Sandwich from +12 HP to +28 HP
- Decreased Hunger Point values of:
    - x1 Lettuce from +3 HP to +2 HP
- Crabs can now be found while exploring in the ocean.
- Reduced max amount of Eggshells found on Beach, as well as the max amount found with a shovel equipped.
- Seagull and Goom encounters on the beach while exploring have increased.
- Reduced max amount of feathers gotten through explorations in all applicable biomes.
- Increased min and max amount of grapes while exploring.
- Gooms can now help you locate: Goo and Flowers (Gooms already give a bonus to finding: Kelp, Scallops, Clams, Crabs, Berries, Mushrooms, Moss, Alow Vera, Agave, Flowering Quince, Oranges, Grapefruit, Potatoes, Peanuts, and Grapes)


- Grammer and spell check errors are being corrected as well as HTML bugs and Journal Skin errors.
- Fixed sizing inconsistency among master list ID's (Isolings not Included)
- Finished replacing old "All Comments Here" threads on Isomara ID's to new multiple comment threads.

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