Inflictions and Ailments

19 min read

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Inflictions and Ailments

    Listed below are the various conditions an Isomara can contract within the game. These are all temporary and can be healed by "consuming" any of the items listed in the cure section of the infliction/ailment. 
    Note: The word "consume" is not just used to mean "eat" it is also meant as "to use". Any items meant to be used on an Isomara go to the consumption thread on their ID.
    Some inflictions/ailments have many different ways to be cured. At times an Isomara may not need to consume anything and can instead get help from another Isomara to help bring them back to good health. If the cure you are choosing involves artwork/literature you need to reply to this thread below with the link to the Isomara with the infliction/ailment and a link to the deviation/literature. 
    Artwork needs to be full bodies and writing needs to be at least 200 words in length. Anything beyond those minimum requirements is optional (unless it states the picture/literature is an exploration then you need to abide by the Exploration Guide rules).

    It is possible to be afflicted with multiple inflictions and ailments at one time. All inflictions/ailments are also able to be gotten through random group events sometimes. Some inflictions and ailments may cause others if left untreated for too long.

AI BeeSting by SlayersStronghold

Bee Sting

A normally small red area that forms due to being stung by a Humble Bee. Being stung can be rather uncomfortable as the inflicted area will become itchy, swollen, and have a burning sensation.
    Once cured the Isomara will receive the Bothersome Bugs achievement.

-1 to all stat trainings until cured

    Failed flight or fight Humble bee encounters
[0] Dragon Fruit by IsomaraIndex [0] Star Fruit by IsomaraIndex [I] Honey by IsomaraIndex [0] Witch Hazel by IsomaraIndex

AI BugBite by SlayersStronghold

Critter Bite

    Little bruises, itchy areas, and bites caused by little crawly critters, arachnids, crabs, skrill, and other clawed creatures. Sometimes the itchiness can be unbearable and drive an Isomara crazy.
    Once cured the Isomara will receive the Bothersome Bugs achievement.

    -1 to all stat trainings until cured
    Increased chance to wind up in an encounter while exploring (,+10%)

    Randomly while exploring the beach, ocean, forest, jungle, desert, or coral reef
    Failed fights with Memora, Skrill, and Crabs
[0] Dragon Fruit by IsomaraIndex [0] Star Fruit by IsomaraIndex [0] Aloe Vera by IsomaraIndex

AI Dehydration by SlayersStronghold


   When an Isomara is lacking vital fluids such as water. Dehydration can be very common with younger Isomara as they are very energetic and will often not realize when they are thirsty. 


    Isomara will refuse to consume anything besides a cure

    Randomly after exploring or training (increased chance in desert or mountain biomes)
    - Lemonade, Apple Juice, Grape Juice, Fresh Water,

AI Frostbite by SlayersStronghold


   Not even the thick fluffy mane of an Isomara is good enough to keep the cold away. You seem to be freezing and moving very slowly. Perhaps you better go warm yourself up by sunbathing out on the beach.
    Once cured the Isomara will receive the Living Popsicle achievement.


   Isomara will not be able to train or voyage
   Can only explore in the beach and desert biomes

    Randomly while exploring the snow or ocean biome
    Randomly while voyaging
[0] Dragon Fruit by IsomaraIndex [0] Star Fruit by IsomaraIndex
explore two times in the desert while accompanied by another adult Isomara.

AI JointPain by SlayersStronghold

Joint Pain

  Whether weak in the knees or a bad back, perhaps your Isomara is going through a growth spurt. Joint Pain is uncomfortable and overall annoying. It is never advised to do any heavy lifting or exercise without a spotter when you have joint pain as you may aggravate it even more.

    -1 to all stat trainings until cured
    Can only explore with another Isomara/Isoling

    - Growth Enhancer, Height Changer, Super Height Changer
[II] Stance Alteration Agent by IsomaraIndex

AI Scuvy by SlayersStronghold


   A common sickness with foreseeable symptoms such as yellowing of teeth, sunken eyes, droopy fur and ears, and lethargy. Although an Isomara can live off of seafood it is essential to consume other foods to have a balanced diet and keep certain sicknesses such as scurvy away.
    If cured by the owner of the Isomara the Isomara will receive the Scurvy Slayer achievement.
    If Isomara is cured during a sudden event by other Isomara the other Isomara will gain the achievement.

    -1 to all stat trainings until cured
    -10% chance to succeed on encounters

    Randomly while exploring, training, and voyaging (nearly any activity that causes HP to decrease)
    - Lemonade, Orange Juice
[III] Filler Smoothie by IsomaraIndex [0] Dragon Fruit by IsomaraIndex [0] Star Fruit by IsomaraIndex [0] Pineapple by IsomaraIndex [0] Lemon by IsomaraIndex [0] Oranges by IsomaraIndex [0] Garlic by IsomaraIndex

AI Splinters by SlayersStronghold


   Be careful when climbing trees, or stepping in the jungle, you might just find yourself with some small pieces of wood and debris in your skin. 


    Won't be able to use any equipment during trainings and explorations until cured.
    Increased chance to wind up in an encounter while exploring (+5%)

Randomly while exploring the forest, jungle, pelemoku, or goom island biomes.
[0] Dragon Fruit by IsomaraIndex [0] Star Fruit by IsomaraIndex [0] Aloe Vera by IsomaraIndex [0] Moss by IsomaraIndex
draw another Isomara helping your Isomara remove the splinters.

AI Sunburn by SlayersStronghold


   If you're looking a bit more red than normal and if your skin hurts you might be sunburnt. Just because an animal is covered in fur doesn't mean it is immune, the sun can still be harmful. So remember to stay in the shade whenever possible.
    Once cured the Isomara will receive the Just a Bad Tan achievement.


    Isomara will not be able to train
    Cannot explore the beach, mountain or desert biomes

    Randomly while exploring the beach, mountain, or desert biomes
    Randomly while voyaging
[0] Dragon Fruit by IsomaraIndex [0] Star Fruit by IsomaraIndex [0] Aloe Vera by IsomaraIndex

AI UpsetStomach by SlayersStronghold

Upset Stomach

   Some say an upset stomach is the worst feeling in the world. Hopefully, its just some gas, what you do know is that you probably ate something you shouldn't of. 
    If cured by the owner of the Isomara the Isomara will receive the Stomach Soother achievement.
    If Isomara is cured during a sudden event by other Isomara the other Isomara will gain the achievement.


    -1 to all stat trainings until cured
    Must explore with another Isomara/Isoling

    - Growth Enhancer
[I] Mystery Candy by IsomaraIndex [0] Ectoplasm by IsomaraIndex [0] Flowering Quince by IsomaraIndex [0] Flowers by IsomaraIndex [0] Garlic by IsomaraIndex [0] Avocado by IsomaraIndex
[0] Dragon Fruit by IsomaraIndex [0] Star Fruit by IsomaraIndex [0] Sweet Potato by IsomaraIndex [0] Potato by IsomaraIndex [I] Quince Fruit by IsomaraIndex

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Reply here to cure an Infliction/Ailment
This thread is only for curing with a deviation or literature, curing with consumables must be used on the Isomara's consumption thread on its ID.

Link to Isomara: 
Link to Deviaton/Literature: