Group Chat Rules + Regulations

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Isomara-Island 's official group chat can be located here:
Isomara Island Discord Chat
If the link does not work the invite code is:


    Discord is a popular website/program for chatting in groups through text or talk. It is mainly used by the gamer community and is steadily growing. 
    It has a lot of interesting features such as grouping people into roles, making multiple channels in a single chat and also being able to change your name, however, you see fit (You can also change your username instead of your chat nickname). 

    One important function is pinned messages as the top of discord is a pushpin icon next to a bell and the member's icon. This Pinned icon will show important pinned messages. Pinned messages change from channel to channel. Make sure to always check the pins for messages.

    The Isomara Island Discord chat is broken up into multiple categories with many channels for different conversations. You can read up on each of the channels below.  
    The chat member list is also separated into roles. These roles are used to distinguish members and staff (NPCs) apart from each other. Read more about the individual member roles below.


  • All group rules also apply to the Discord Chat.
  • You have to be a member of Isomara-Island to join the chat. 
  • You do not need to own an Isomara to be a part of the chat
  • Keep conversations around PG-13
    • If it is something you normally wouldn't bring up around your friends, parents, or friend's parents or hear it on an average children's cartoon channel it might not be fitting here. 
  • Non Isomara-Island topics are allowed. There are separate channels for certain other topics (Read more about the channels below).
  • Treat others with kindness and respect; if you have complaints, drama, or other sorts of issues, refrain from speaking about them in chat. Discord has its own personal messaging and call system.
  • Overly degrading discussions of religion, politics, sexuality, groups of people, etc. are not allowed. If such things happen an NPC may have to step in and sway the conversation elsewhere and comments may be deleted as well.
  • Do not post links to profane/sexual/harmful content. Keep cursing to a minimum. A bot may delete your comment if the cursing is too vulgar.
    automatically appear on discord and many people may not want to see such things. Links to music with more vulgar language and tones may be reviewed by NPC's if linked. If you are unsure on whether something is allowed to be posted or not you probably should not post it or instead you can ask any NPC privately. 
    • Tip1: Use < before and > after a link to make sure no thumbnail appears.
    • Tip2: Use || before and || after a link or text to place it in a "spoiler box". ||Url and/or text||
  • No spamming or flooding of any kind. This includes links, emoticons, and constant spam of the messages. We also do not support the use of ALL CAPS ALL THE TIME. It's alright to do every so often, but do not post many strings of comments all in caps. Thank you. 
    • We do have bots that monitor spam and language, if your message is deleted assume a bot found it going against our guidelines.


Punishment for breaking one of the rules above,
These are different than the group punishment system. If you break group rules along with the chat rules your punishment will be dealt with based on the group punishments and these punishments below.

1st Offence

2nd Offence
Will be kicked from the chat and not allowed back for 24 hours
(You will need to rejoin the chat using the invite code/link and will be privately messaged a warning)

3rd Offence
Kicked and not allowed back into the chat for one whole week.

4th Offence
Permanently banned from the Discord chat
(Not the group/game)


    Text Channels:
        Text channels are organized in categories based upon what role can access what. Roles are explained further down. To summarize, the villager role can access all categories. . 

    🌅 The Boardwalk 🌅
        👋 Welcome - A welcoming channel. All new server members get sent here. You are prompted to give your DeviantArt username, once done your role will be updated and you will be able to access the rest of the server.
        📢 Announcements - For updates and notices. All members are given a Ping role which will alert them to certain announcements. This role can be removed in the ❕ information channel.
         Information - Rules, Information, & Quick links for the Isomara-Island ARPG

    🌴 The Beach 🌴
        🤝 Introductions - Tell us about yourself and familiarize yourself with other members.
        🍹 General - The main/home channel. Any topic can be discussed and talked about here.
        🧡 Supporter Lounge - A general lounge chat for Patrons only as well as a channel to be alerted of new posts on Patreon.
        🎨 Creative Content - Channel for sharing all forms of Art and Literature. Not just for Isomara Island related content. Share art you made and other made.

    🏡 The Village 🏡
        🐉 Iso General - This channel is reserved for members to talk about their Isomara solely. Whether they are seeking relationships with other Isomara, looking for Isos for prompts and events, or looking for some help designing accessories if it is about Isomara you can chat here.
        🏊 Explore-voyage-train - Need a training partner, or want to show off the haul you got from the jungle? Here is where to chat about the big 3 activities
        🏆 Achievements - Help and cheer on others to get achievements, boast about yours
        🛒 Market Bazaar - Iso Island Items for sale/trade only. Looking and selling items post it here!
        🙋 Ask an NPC - Dying to ask one of your favorite Isomara NPC's a personal question? Ask it and get it answered in art form!

    💎 The Caverns 💎
        🎶 Music n Vids - Share your taste in music, interesting video tutorials, funny clips, let's plays, and other video content.
        😍 Fandom Fanatics - Channel to talk about and show off your love for movies, games, books, fandoms, and other DeviantART groups. You can post and show off designs or just chat.
        🐕 Lively Photos - For pictures of pets, nature, wholesome memes, and light-hearted conversations about these photos
        🤣 Funnies - Memes, Funny comics, photos, and other laughable content. Keep it tame!
        💰 Advertisements - Used to post links to sales, journals, streaming links. request people to show things for requests, etc.
    • Please do not actively post "Looking for" and "Seeking" character posts if they do not pertain to Isomaras. If you are looking for a certain species try other group advertisements.
    • Targeting specific users/groups of people for a specific character type or design can be seen as rude, please do not target and instead publicly create a journal then post it.

          🏨 Community Hall 🏨
              ❔ Questions n Answers - A channel for questions about the APRG, Species, and discord. Please do not answer the questions. Only NPC's should be answering questions.
              💭 Suggestion Box - This channel is for suggestions/feedback/idea/and general thoughts/concerns. Anything can be suggested/ commented on from items, to designs, activities, events, incorrect links, grammar, dislikes, likes, etc.
              💬 Community Chatter - A chat for pure community based speculation, discussion, wants, criticism, positive remarks, and anything you'd like to mention about the Isomara Island ARPG and its species.


In discord, server admins can set up roles to classify members as different things and give them titles.

1. NPCs
    NPC's are typically group administrators and moderators. They are signified by a blue name

    List of NPC's 
        - Slay / Tour guide - ran by SlayersStronghold (Slayer, Slay, Savy)
        - Pacings / ShopKeeper - ran by SirPacings (Sirpacings, Pacings, Dalton)
        - Frio / Daycare Assistance - Spare account to test things on

2. Villager
    This light blue role is the base role given to all members once they join the Discord.

4. Haven
    Haven is the rank given to supporters of the group who donate monthly to the Isomara-Island Patreon account. They are given bonus perks which not even Isomara can use. The haven role is orange.

4. Abyssal
    This role is granted to users who boost the Discord. Discord server boosting grants the server additional perks and features! This role is green, but also members get a cool little pink gem icon next to their names!

5. Goom
Gooms are the Isomara Island ARPG official Guest Artists. They have the ability to make designs for the many Island Inhabitants. This role is a lighter shade of purple.

6. Ping
    This role is automatically given to all members of the Discord Server. It alerts all users of any updates for the group or activities, as well as other important information. This role can be removed by going to the Important channel and using the Discords Ping reaction on the specified message in said channel. This role can be removed and added at will.

7. Other Roles
At times there will be temporary roles available for a short period of time. These roles could pertain to an in-game event, holiday, or outside activity such as the annual Art Fight.

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