141 - Charlotte {NPC}IsomaraIndex on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/isomaraindex/art/141-Charlotte-NPC-662178927IsomaraIndex

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141 - Charlotte {NPC}


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Charlotte is the Blacksmith NPC.
As with any other NPC, you may draw Charlotte if you do not have an Isomara yet.

{Rules for using Charlotte}

If you do not own an Isomara you may...
 - Use Charlotte in specific events/prompts that allow them.
 - Draw Charlotte to earn you Seashells to get a MYO Isomara
 - Draw them to help you get acquainted with Isomara anatomy 
 - Draw them for fun

Name: Charlotte || Gender: Female || Stance: Anthro

ID: 141
Owner: solar-prince 
Breed: Standard Isomara
Age: Adult
Height: 6' 8''

Inflictions/Ailments: None
Hunger: Satisfied (75/100)

Personality:  Charlotte is a secluded Isomara living up in the mountains near the volcano. Always filthy and covered in soot and ash. She has learned how to harness the hot liquid within the volcano. She is aware of how uncomfortable most Isomara are with fire and the likes, so she has devoted herself to learn all about trade and some day wants to prove that fire and lava are nothing to be scared of. She has a vast knowledge of ores and gems, and how to create many materials such as glass and ceramics. Recently, she has also taken to baking.
On March 30th Charlotte discovered an egg while exploring on the beach. This egg later hatched into 161

Can be Trained by Others: Y/N

  Bullet; Yellow Uncommon Rhino Horn
  Bullet; Green Common Ears
  Bullet; Green Common Long Tail
  Bullet; Green Common Eyes
  - Large Wings (Flyer)

Bullet; Purple Special Traits: None

Stat Pool: (0/9)
    Fight - 6
    Flight - 3

        Bullet; Blue Inquisitive Climb Event (+3)
        Bullet; Blue Mystery Candy (+6)

Class: ---
    Level - 0

------------------------------------------ FFF: Unknown
----------------- FF: Unknown
------------------------------------------ FFM: Unknown
Father: Unknown
------------------------------------------ FMF: Unknown
----------------- FM: Unknown
------------------------------------------ FMM: Unknown
------------------------------------------ MFF: Unknown
----------------- MF: Unknown
------------------------------------------ MFM: Unknown
Mother: Unknown
------------------------------------------ MFF: Unknown
----------------- MM: Unknown
------------------------------------------ MMM: Unknown

Children: None
Siblings: Unknown

Companion: None
    - Goggles (Custom Accessory)
    - None
    - None
    - LOCKED
    - LOCKED

141 A by IsomaraIndex Patreon Supporter by IsomaraIndex
Image size
5455x4000px 8.67 MB
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