Past Update Journal: Iso-Island 6.4.8
View all past Update Logs
Website updates, changes, and fixes below have already been applied to the site unless specified.
DeviantArt Group updates, changes, and fixes will take effect and go live soon after this post is live.
Upcoming Staff Vacations
All Isomara Island ARPG staff will be on vacation on the following dates. There will be no updates during this time, and all reports, submissions, and claims in the queue will be on hold during these times:
February 17th - February 21st
Website Updates
Companion Care Drops
The Companion Care Drops feature has been revived and fully implemented. Players who own companion species such as Gooms and Bleppers and are companioned to an Isomara can now start receiving care drop bundles every first of the month. This update came a bit late, but the first bundle for February is available to collect!
To claim a companion's care drops, go to the companions master list page, and a new tab will be