What is a MYO?
A MYO or Make Your Own is an alternate way to get your own character of a species. Instead of purchasing a pre-made design, you can pay for the right to make your own character designed by yourself. This allows you to make it how you like and also you can alter the design and have more rights to it than the ones which are designed by guest artists.Make sure to read everything below and be familiar with all the information on the Island Inhabitants, Isomara Trait Guide, and Isomara Species Information journals.
You can purchase MYO slots here with PayPal, Points, or with In-Game Currency (Seashells).

Additional Information:

$1 = 100
= 200 Seashells

Standard Isomara MYOs
Common MYO Slot - $3
Uncommon Slot - $5
Rare MYO Slot - $7
Ultra Standard Isomara MYOs

Uncommon Ultra Slot - $10
Rare Ultra MYO Slot - $15
1 Special Trait - $1 for a RNG roll.
1 Special Trait - $5 for a specific trait
Common MYO Slot - $2
Uncommon Slot - $3
Rare MYO Slot - $4
Ultra MYO Slot - $10
1 Special Trait - $1 for a RNG roll.
Special traits for gooms include multi limb, multi-antenna, wings, and double tail)

Ultra Standard Isomara MYOs

Goom/Blepper MYOs

Ultra Goom/Blepper MYOs

Special traits for gooms include multi limb, multi-antenna, wings, and double tail)
Duestrum Isomara MYOs
Common MYO Slot - $7
Uncommon Slot - $10
Rare MYO Slot - $15
1 Special Trait - $2 for a RNG roll.
1 Special Trait - $7 for a specific trait

Ultra Duestrum Isomara MYOs

Uncommon Ultra Slot - $20
Rare Ultra MYO Slot - $25

Memic MYO

- One completely common Isomara or Isoling (or Goom/Blepper/Memic)
- All traits must be common according to the rarity chart on the Isomara trait guide or Goom Species Guide.

- One Isomara or Isoling (or Goom/Blepper) with 1 uncommon trait of your choice
- The rest of the traits must be common

- One Standard Isomara or Isoling (or Goom/Blepper) with 1 rare trait of your choice
- All other traits must be common

- Option 1: Allows you one randomly rolled birth special trait (There are six birth special traits)
- Option 2: Pick any one special trait you want (includes birth special traits and earnable ones)

- Ultra slots allow you to use as many traits of that rarity that the slot is specified.
- Ultra Goom and Blepper myo slots allow you to choose as many rare and uncommon traits.
Example1: An Uncommon Ultra Isomara slot lets you choose as many uncommon traits as you want for your Isomara myo.
Example2: A Rare Ultra Isomara slot lets you choose as many rare and/or as many uncommon traits as you'd like.
Things to keep in mind before choosing one of these choices above:
1. If you choose to have uncommon horns you do not need to have common horns. As long as an Isomara has, at least, one of the horn choices it is fine.
2. You may choose to have two uncommon horn types if you buy two uncommon traits. Also, common horns are optional if you have another horn type on them.
3. If you get an uncommon trait and choose to have front arms fins that automatically makes your Isomara a swimmer as front arm fins are uncommon for swimmers and rare for flyers.
4. If you have no idea what #3 was talking about read the species trait guide and the info card Swimmers Vs. Flyers.
Comment Here to purchase a MYO slot.
Upgrading MYO Slots
If you own a MYO slot currently you may also upgrade it at any time. Upgrading MYO's allow you to purchase traits later on.Head over to the Import Edits journal if you wish to upgrade your MYO Slot.
Q. Can my MYO be related to another Isomara?
A. No, making an Isomara biologically related to another could cause issues if either Isomara were transferred to someone else.