Isoling Club

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SandCastle [Isomara - Exploration Event] by Cocopet2
Art by Cocopet2

Isoling Club

There once was an Isomara who built a massive sandcastle. The creator leaving the castle to crumble had not realized how sturdy their creation was. So sturdy that even the crashing ocean waves could not knock it down.

The structure had only been left abandoned for a short time until claimed by local Isolings.


#1: "Whoa, that's so cool! I wonder if someone lives there?"

#2: "No way, it's made of sand. Who would want to live in sand? I bet it's a trap."

#3: "The Abyssals must of made this for us!"

One Isolings ears perk up with interest while the other rolls their eyes.

#1: "Well, if it is a gift we should use it," The Isoling charged up to the front doorway of the castle. "I declare this be our newest base! Our clubhouse!" he turns around and next to the doorway gently scribes 'no adulths alowd' in the sandy surface. The other two smile wide, their tails rapidly swishing side to side.

From this moment on Isolings gather here to lounge, play, build friendships, oh and of course to go adventuring.

Welcome to Isoling Club Headquarters

    As you approach the sandcastle a chubby Isoling blocks the doorway. She eyes you and reaches out a hand initiating the start of their secret handshake. You seem a bit nervous. Do you know the secret handshake?

    Isolings need the Making Friends achievement before they can join the Isoling Club. This achievement grants you access/ acts as the secret handshake to the club headquarters. Once your Isoling has the Making Friends achievement they can then go ahead and make a team or join a team, and earn the perks of being a part of the club.

Getting Started

    At the club headquarters, Isolings can form or join a team and go on adventures and activities with other Isolings. Teams are a great way to forge new friendships and develop an Isoling's teamwork and skills.
    The club grants Isolings perks that they otherwise wouldn’t have such as exclusive items and companions, and the ability to participate in some activities without needing adult supervision.


    Choosing whether to start your own team or join an already made team can be a daunting decision to make. Joining a team may be the best way to test out and partake in the Isoling Club. You won't have to worry about setting up the team or other leadership-related duties. You can hop right in and start building up your Isoling's and your team's reputation.

    On the other hand, if you find the creative urge to design you're own team and have the perseverance to rise to the top of the reputation leaderboard all by yourself or want to recruit your own members to form a dream team among friends then try your hand at creating a team.

    Isolings can leave a team at any time and if you make one and later on decide leading one is not your style you can disband it all together or promote someone else to the leadership role at any time. 

Being a Part of a Team

    By being a part of a team you get to help contribute to and develop your team and your own Isoling. As you go on explorations, trainings, and other adventures your Isolings will build up reputation to advance their team. Increasing your Isoling's member rank will show your dedication to your team and the club headquarters will reward your Isolings for their hard work. A team's overall member reputation will also allow the team itself to rank up and give the entire team more perks!

   Member rank and Team grade perks differ and are explained below. 

Team Grade

Every team has an associated grade that can be increased by reaching the required overall amount of reputation among all of the team's members.


        Grade - Grade Name - Max Capacity - Total Rep Required

            1    -    Scallop    -        5         -        Starting

            2    -     Cowry    -        15        -        100

            3    -    Murex    -        30        -        375


    Only leaders will be allowed to initiate their team to move up into the next grade. By advancing a team into the next grade the entire team will earn rewards and perks. Scallop grade is the starting grade for all new teams. They can hold a max of 5 Isolings. For Scallop Teams to advance and become a Cowry Team the team will need at least 100 reputation across all members combined. Once a team is Cowry grade they can have a maximum capacity of 15 Isoling members and can work towards becoming Murex grade! 

Team Perks:

Higher team grade will reward more perks towards the entire team.


Scallop Grade
    - Increased encounter chance
    - Can encounter the imaginary enemies: Stick Demon, Rock Monster, and Tangle Vines

Cowry Grade
Can encounter the imaginary enemies: Bakemora and Treant
    - Can companion Rebel Pebbles, Tilted Twigs, and Tangle Vines

Murex Grade

    •     - Can encounter the imaginary enemy: Chimiora
    - Can companion Bahroos

Member Ranks

Each member of a team has a rank just like teams have grades. With each rank members earn perks and rewards from the club headquarters.

        Rank  -  Rank Name  -  ss Required - Rep Required

            1    -    Cadet    -      Starting     -     Starting

            2    -     Major    -        200        -        20

            3    -    General    -       400       -        45


Member Perks

Cadet Rank
Can explore and train with another Isoling team member instead of an adult Isomara
    - Perfect Stick equipment recipe unlocked

Major Rank
Can explore and train without an adult or other team member
    - Can participate in voyaging with another Isoling team member instead of an adult Isomara

General Rank
Can explore and train without an adult or other team member
    - Can participate in voyaging without an adult or other team members
    - Shelmet equipment recipe unlocked

To promote your team, rank up, or edit your team details reply here
Isolings on teams will have access to the [ICH Store!]

Making your own Team

    Players need at least one Isoling in order to create a team. The chosen Isoling will become the leader, leadership can always be changed to another member of the team.  You may make a team consisting of only Isolings owned by you or can have other players' Isolings join the team.

    Making a team costs 1 sand dollar. Each new Isoling member must pay a 20ss fee to join a team.

    A team name and a leader are mandatory to create a team. Optional add-ons when making a team includes an emblem/badge/logo, a catchphrase/witty one-liner, a lieutenant, and joining requirements.

    Team Creation Thread

As a leader or lieutenant of a team, you will have additional responsibilities and features that other members will not have.


Team Leader Permissions
Can promote any member to lieutenant (only 1 max)
    - Can demote lieutenant
    - Can advance team grade
    -Can change team badge and description
    - Can change join requirements
    - Able to disband the team
    - Promote a member to become the new leader
    - Set team to private/public/Invite Only
    - Can remove members from the team


Team Lieutenant Permissions
Can demote themselves from being a lieutenant
    - Can change team description
    - Set team to private/public/Invite Only
    - Can remove members from the team

Joining a Team

    When it comes to joining a team browse the list of teams below and take your time deciding which to join. Public teams are open for all to join, while private teams require an invite from the leader. Invite Only teams can have anyone from the team invite you. Be sure to read over the team's join requirements if there are some. Make sure you fulfill the teams requirements to join. Each new Isoling member of a team must pay a 20ss fee to join a team.


    Joining a Team Thread

To leave or disband a team comment in the Leave/Disband a Team Thread


These are the current teams.

Wicked Combat Team
Wicked Team Awesome Badge by SlayersStronghold
"I needs toughies, not softies!"

Team Leader: Gatwar (Cadet) | Team Lieutenant: None
Join Status: Public
Join Requirements:
Need to have trained at least once to join this team
Members: 1/5 | Total Reputation: 0

Team Name TBA
[Emblem TBA]
"Quote/Phrase TBA"

Team Leader: Deus (Cadet)Team Lieutenant: None
Join Status: Public
Join Requirements: None
Members: 1/5 | Total Reputation: 0

Team Name
Scallop/Cowry/Murex Grade

Team Leader: --- (Rank) | Team Lieutenant: --- (Rank)
Join Status: Public/Private/Invite Only
Join Requirements: ---
Members: #/# | Total Reputation: #

Gaining Reputation

As previously mentioned Isolings can gain reputation by participating in activities and completing prompts.

As you go on explorations, training, and other adventures your Isolings will build up reputation to advance their team. Increasing your Isoling's member rank will show your dedication to your team and the club headquarters will reward your Isolings for their hard work. A team's overall member reputation will also allow the team itself to rank up and give the entire team more perks!

Reputation per Activity
Exploration +1 Rep
Training +1 Rep
Voyaging +2 Rep
Successful Encounters +2 Rep
Monthly Prompt  +.5 Rep
Permanent Prompt +2 Rep
Featured Perm Prompt +3 Rep (once per month)

Turn in your work for rep here

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