[Activity] Voyaging

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Join Me! by SlayersStronghold

Voyaging Verification License

If your Isomara already has the Island Hopper Achievement please click here or scroll down to the voyaging activity.

    A moderately tall blue isomara stands precariously perched on a boulder, wings outspread. "Its time to extend our reach to the world afar!" Slayer grins. "Join in traversing the sea and sky to uncover what awaits us in the rest of this blue world." You wander closer and lock eyes. Slayer jumps down from the boulder and folds her large wings. She then asks "Would you like to set on a voyage with me?"

Voyaging allows your Isomara to explore far beyond the reaches of their home island. They can even discover new things while out on a voyage. For an Isomara to become a voyager they must gain the Island Hopper Achievement by doing the task below.

Rules for Becoming a Voyager:

Voyager Verification must be completed before an Isomara can explore Pelemoku or submit voyages outside the island boundaries!

Bullet; Green You need to own an adult Isomara (Isolings cannot do voyaging)
Bullet; Green Your Isomara needs at least 10 in Fight & 10 in Flight
Bullet; Green An Isomara cannot do this activity if they are starving or are inflicted with any ailment or sickness.
Bullet; Green Upon submitting your verification entry 50 seashells will be removed from your balance
        (Think of this being the fee to receive your nice little achievement shell~)

What You Need to do:

Pick one of your adult Isomara then draw/write about them in one of these four biomes:
    - Beach
    - Coral Reef
    - Jungle
    - Snow
If you decide to draw/write about your Isomara in all six of these biomes listed you'll gain a bonus reward:
    - Beach
    - Coral Reef
    - Forest
    - Jungle
    - Mountain
    - Snow
    (If you choose to only do the one, you may not complete the other five later for the bonus reward)

    Heck of a Time by SlayersStrongholdIsomara - Voyaging Certification for Marius by gavinom123

Bullet; Green Art Reqs: Must be full body, colored with at least a simple background (for each biome)
Bullet; Green Lit Reqs: Minimum of 500 words if you plan to do only one biome. If you plan on multiple biomes each literature only has to be at least 350 words
Bullet; Green You may choose to split between art and literature if you choose to do the six biomes (Ex. Two art and four literature)
Bullet; Green All submissions belong in the voyaging folder
Bullet; Green Please keep all images & literature in one submission unless you are doing partial lit and art. Then you'd have two submissions.
Bullet; Green Only One Isomara per verification entry. Each Isomara must do voyaging verification alone
Bullet; Green These cannot count as any other activities and must be new pictures/literature. All you need to do is draw/write about your Isomara in the setting of the specified biome(s). They can be doing anything you want as long as it follows the Art/Lit Reqs
Bullet; Green When you are done, link all pictures/literature to the correct comment chain below

    The Island Hopper Achievement which allows that specific Isomara to explore Pelemoku and participate in voyaging.
Island Hopper by IsomaraIndex
Bonus Reward:
    If you choose to draw/write about your Isomara in all six of the biomes listed above you'll also gain x3 Dragon Fruit and x3 Star Fruit.
[0] Dragon Fruit by IsomaraIndex [0] Star Fruit by IsomaraIndex

Isomara Island Map by SlayersStronghold


If your Isomara does not have the Island Hopper Achievement please scroll up to the voyaging verification.

Let's Get Outta Here || Voyaging by PeachKeeper In SPACE by L1M1TL3SS Isomara - Voyaging by gavinom123

How Does it Work?

    Similar to exploration you will need to draw/write about your Isomara(s), however, instead of being in a specified biome your Isomara will be flying or swimming. Using the pictures above as an example. 
    You ultimately have creative freedom in your pictures and literature. As long as you incorporate your Isomara in the air/water at some point, someway, or even a little and they are not on the home island it counts. They can be on a new small patch of land, soaring through clouds, in underwater caverns, etc. Have fun and be as creative as you want. We are pretty lenient with the requirement so if your Isomara is standing on rocks in underwater caverns near a large body of water we will assume they just got out of the water and we will allow it.

    As you can see from the map above much of it is clouded and unknown. Isomara have never really left the comforts of their island for as long as anyone can remember. So, it is now the job of the new generation of voyagers to discover what is out there! When submitting a voyage you will need to make sure to list the Isomara in the voyage and the direction you are taking. Below is a map that describes the different directions. You need to choose whether your Isomara went North, North West, West, South West, South, and so on and so forth.
    You can only pick one direction per voyage. You may have as many Isomaras as you want in a voyage as long as they have the Island hopper achievement. 

Direction: [N/NW/W/SW/S/SE/E/NE]
Isomara: [List all Isos and NPCs in voyage]

Bullet; Green Art Reqs: Must be full body, colored with at least a simple background
Bullet; Green Lit Reqs: Minimum of 500 words
Bullet; Green Only Isomara with the Island Hopper Achievement should be in voyaging. Companions may be included
Bullet; Green Voyaging cannot double as any other activity or event picture
Bullet; Green All submissions belong in the voyaging folder
    When you are finished with your voyage and submit it to Isomara-Island you will get a comment eventually describing the outcome of the voyage. This usually entails if you have discovered anything and how far you've gone. It is not uncommon to come back empty-handed. Some Isomara just do not have much luck out on a voyage or did not manage to reach far enough. As time goes on and discoveries are made this map will slowly become more revealed. 
    NOTE: The map is not of the entire world as Isomara are not placed in any specific world and could be considered to be on earth, in another world, etc.

Bonus: Explore in each direction at least once to gain the Spirited Seeker achievement.
Slay Tidbit5 - By Thlyatara by IsomaraIndex



(Listed below are new items that were discovered that can be found by voyaging)

  1. Garlic by L1M1TL3SSLand Ahoy - Galiki Island - Voyaging
    Direction - SW

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Voyaging Verification
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