Facts and stuff

3 min read

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isolde's avatar
My tablet won't work correctly anymore...the cursor jumps and reacts like a mouse cursor too often T_T. I'm long overdue with some images dammit...
I'm also working on learning how to use the module system in mount and blade, together with a friend I hope to do a mod...finally a bigger one. Fantasy in any case ;) and multiplayer, with the m&b expansion to come soon.

Anyway, I got tagged by :iconhecateslight: :

The rules
1. Post these rules in your journal.
2. Each tagged person should post 8 facts of themselves.
3. Tagged people should write a journal/blog about these facts.
4. In the end, tag and name 8 people.
5. Go to their dA pages and comment saying that they are tagged!

the facts:
(these are getting more and more aren't they o_0)

1. I love garlic (but don't worry, I've always got something to drink or chewing gum etc on me ;))
2. My room is a mess...often...
3. I love to fandub
5. I love pointed ears or teeth XD
6. It's tradition therefore that I play at least one elf in each MMO if possible
7. I like metal and classical or folk music (among other stuff), especially metal AND classical/folk *g*
8. I'm one of the few girls who don't root for the bad guys, esp. in RL :P (you know typical "bad boys" in series/games/movies, I like villains though ^^)

I don't have 8 people to tag <.<...

- Marius for Merriya

- Tenten for Ying (mafia prize)

- Beauty&Beast coloring

- other coloring stuff

:iconlokclan: :iconegypt-club: :iconthe-coven: :iconcaribbeanpirates: :iconphantom-of-da-opera: :iconatlantis-club: :iconmythandlegend: :iconvampires-unite: :iconbaden-wuerttemberg: :icondeutsch: :iconmusicaltheatre: :iconlokforgotten: :icondesign-exchange: :iconmonkeyislandclub: :icondisneydreamers: :iconfullmetal-alchemists: :iconberserk-club: :iconnarutoworld:
(hope I didn't forget anyone)
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merriya's avatar
2,5 and 7 apply to me as well :XD: Hight time I filled out this tag as well :dance: