...of healingIskander1989 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/iskander1989/art/of-healing-451096148Iskander1989

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Iskander1989's avatar

...of healing



Most of my works talk about the corruption that we cause to ourselves doing some kind of things. This one talks about a alleged celestial creature being corrupted by a strange force that looks very peaceful and kind, but you know, all the really bad things takes us by good ways, conquering our confidence. So i let my quote for the picture:

"...and that thing shone like an angel."

PS: That's something a bit different than the usual. That was the first time i have used a premade stock to help to do some parts of this piese (Wings), it's weird because i was supposed to draw them, but i'm still training digital paintings, so i found better to use premade stocks in the best way i can. Unexpectedly i like the result.


-The sphere have less shine now, i was disturbed with too much pink glow...

-Some simple detais in wing-skin transition.


- Changed all the background;

- improved some details;

 Old version:

 Of Healing (OLD) by Iskander1989

Inspired by Celestial Warriors Series by Carlos-Quevedo 

Thanks for all the source providers:


DenysRoqueDesign  - Wings


faestock  - Model


Stock added: 

Metal plain texture

Stock - Full Moon

Smoke 07

Balestrino above clouds


PS: If you find any resource that isn't listed here, please, send me a note.
Image size
728x1098px 783.21 KB
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SvalaW's avatar
Beautiful work! I really like the flow and dynamic of this work, how all the lines and colours come together to create an airy atmosphere. Also, the story behind this picture is very interesting and full of hidden meaning.