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This is Halloween



Boys and girls of every age
wouldn't you like to see something strange
come with us and you will see
this is our town of halloween
this is halloween, this is halloween!!!

Hi everyone, I know it's a little bit early for the celebrations but I don't care :D Halloween is my best holiday along with Christmas and this is my first Halloween manipulation. It took so much time to do it but I'm happy with the result :D hope you like it too. I always prefer cheerful themes instead of spooky and scary themes when it comes to Halloween. (Kinda Tim Burton-ish :D) anyways happy Halloween everyone :pumpkin:

And the Credits; (wow It's gonna be a long list :D)

Thanx to dear :iconmizzd-stock: for the beautiful model

Thanx to dear :iconsolstock: for the pumpkin patch

Thanx to dear :iconshoofly-stock: for the cauldron

Thanx to dear :icontala-stock: for the fullmoon

Thanx to dear :icontinusdream: for the magic book

Thanx to dear :iconjadegordon: for the flying witch and the cat

Thanx to dear :iconajk-original-stock: for the potion inside the cauldron


Thanx to dear :icontexturemattic: for the texture

The spooky tree and The haunted house are from Stock.xchng

For the amazing Brushes, Thanx to:

:iconredheadstock: : [link] , [link] [link]

:iconro-stock: : [link] [link]

:iconfuruba-fangirl: : [link]

:iconnoctourniquet: : [link]

And of course I'm in the photo too but WHERE??? :D

Also check out the Halloween Theme Contests!!
:iconmizzd-stock:'s contest, :iconjenepooh:'s contest and :iconsygnin:'s contest

This is Halloween performed by Jack Skellington :dance:

Hit the download button to use it as a wallpaper :D
Image size
2000x1608px 1.48 MB
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afireuncontained's avatar
It's never too early for Halloween! Awesome Work!!!!