Natsume Yuujinchou Wallpaperishizu123 on DeviantArt

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ishizu123's avatar

Natsume Yuujinchou Wallpaper



This series just recently gained popularity. I remember when no one knew about this show. I'm glad it's finally getting some credit. Anyways I thought it was about time I put a little effort into making a wallpaper. The art is very pretty *.* so it was fun to make. I thought I'd add Madara in there to loosen up the atmosphere. He's so funny (and ugly). I say that right after I compliment the art xD. Well everything (but Madara) is pretty. I was gonna wait till spring break to make it but boredome is a powerful motivator. SO I'm done rambling. Enjoy! =D

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LadyTau's avatar
Beautiful colours and shades! =)