Game of Thrones, Peter DinklageIsaacJLitman on DeviantArt

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IsaacJLitman's avatar

Game of Thrones, Peter Dinklage



Second piece working as if I were Cran D'ache in Photoshop =)

Game of Thrones, Peter Dinklage; Fall 2012.
Digital: Intuous Wacom, Photoshop, no tracing, one layer, 20 hours.
Reffence: [link]

I did this piece to improve my understanding of values and color, different textures, and to figure out what brushes I need- or to create to execute those textures in future pieces. From this study I can apply what I learn to later illustrations :)

Example: The armor was created by the two brushes I would normally use for either clouds or skin. A light blue polish of clouds made all the difference.
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1800x1304px 1.06 MB
© 2012 - 2025 IsaacJLitman
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IggyHazard's avatar
He has badass facial features.