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irshadkarim's avatar

Alchemist Shop - 3D



Still a little behind on my revised schedule (which is a lot behind my initial schedule... or it would be, if I had one), but I'm making good time. Maybe. The house is finished! Exterior is, anyway. Tomorrow I move onto the interior, for which I care far less, despite the fact that it is where the bulk of my animation takes place. Damnit.

I feel like the roof tiles look a lot like biscuits... and they make me hungry.

Original Painted Concept
Wireframes and Texture Maps
Image size
1000x1619px 1.56 MB
© 2011 - 2024 irshadkarim
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PiratesAdventure's avatar
I love the style, but I do have some suggestions.

The style feels rather playful to me, which I think is a good thing. Have a soft spot for that kind of thing.

However, the colors seem much more saturated than the concept art. For the brick wall, a bit too much I think. It got a bit too dark, kinda like it was an addition to the house rather than a part of it. The same goes for the bottom strip; it seems more like a thick wooden beam now rather than a brick wall. A bit less overal saturation and more depth to the bricks (like the concept art) would have been great.

As for the rest; I cannot help but feel that the house itself feels too static. The roof is awesome, the brick wall seems awesome, but the rest of the house are just straight lines. For instance, the wooden beams, I think it would have been better to vary their sizes over the length of the beam. I do not mean that you have to change the entire getup to look like something from monkey island (which would be overkill honestly), but more like [link] and [link] . You do not even need to make the house itself slanted in any way, just give the elements on the walls a bit more variation in thickness, rotation and stuff.

Anyways, great work. I like your style, I think I am gonna watch you :meow: