ironspike's avatar


311 Watchers1 Deviation
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (20)
thoughtART: Participated in April Fools' Day 2014
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Current Residence: Chicago.
Jeez, I forgot to tell you guys that the second collection Templar, Arizona is currently taking pre-orders! You can find the page full of pre-order options, from $5.00 books to $50.00 deluxe packages, right here. Book Two of Templar, Arizona, like the first volume, will feature remastered art, sketches, and author's notes. 148 pages of the stuff! Pre-order it now, or order it at your local comics shop through Previews! The order code: MAY08 3931.
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These are the definite stops. Never know what else might come meanderin' down the road, but registration's been paid for as far as these four are concerned, so barring disaster, you should find me there. Anime Central in Rosemont, IL May 16-18 MoCCA, New York, NY June 7-8 Wizard World Chicago, Rosemont, IL June 26-29 San Diego Comic Con in San Diego, CA July 24-27 I'll have a table or booth at all of these, and hopefully, maybe even book 2 by June. C'mon down and say hi!
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The print edition of Templar, Arizona: The Great Outdoors, the first chapter in the series,  is now available to for order through your local comic shop in the December issue if Previews! TAZ's very first print collection is one hundred and twelve pages of sepia-toned remastered art, ancient development sketches, and behind-the-scenes insight into the comic's inspirations and influences. Puppy-eaters, recreational anachronists, tasteless statuary, Buddhist koans, and prescription drug-fueled mystery. It can all be yours! Just hand the guy in charge of your shop's pullboxes this number! You can do it. I believe in you. DEC07 3783 Who's exc
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You have a wonderful style, and the fact that you like alternate history just makes it better!

Keep up the great work!
Love love LOVE your work. Thanks for being amazing!
New fan of Templar here, almost caught up on your work. You are my idol.

...Okay, that sounds a little too personal. But I really like your work, and hope to be able to do half as well myself someday!
hi, this is the diner town site, pls vote for one of the Dash games, i'm sure u have played at least one [link]
I love your comic!!! It reminds me how much I dislike this state and why I want to go back to CO when I'm finished with college.

you probably don't remember me, but we met at Youmacon a few years back and again at Acen. you drew for me a pic of my original characters and i also bought a copy of your awesome comic Templar, AZ!

but anyhoo, i'm just dropping by to tell you hi and that i'll be sending you a friendly watch and hope to hear from you eventually.
Oh hey, it's you! Templar is AWESOME. :D