Ironshod on DeviantArt

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Mushroom Fairy


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I've been working on a set of artworks with the theme of an enchanted woodland. It is just like a normal forest but if you go there and take the time to look closely you might find the creatures are a little unusal ;)

Here is a Mushroom Fairy. These little fairies live out of the way in dark and overgrown places and so can be very hard to spot. They love bright colours and this one is captivated by a flower.

You can view some others in the set here ...
Blackberry dragon [link]
Glimpse of a unicorn [link]
Oak king [link]
Image size
589x866px 125.41 KB
© 2008 - 2024 Ironshod
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PendragonArts-GEA's avatar

Omgoodness, lmao... I'm looking at this and thinking... sheesh, another thief ripping off Ann Stokes and then I go to the front of your page and it is you! You and your works are an inspiration around the world. Thank you! <3