So... 2020.
Needless to say, it's been one hell of a year for everyone, for many very unfortunate reasons. One of those reasons being millions of people around the world are finding themselves without employment; despite loving my job and wanting to return to it I find myself among those millions.
However, I have decided to turn it into a bit of a silver lining and take this opportunity to do something I haven't thought about doing in a very long time: being a working artist.
I'm updating my portfolio and slowly coming back to a select few social medias I've neglected for a long, long time. I'm not proud to say that a combination of an increase in interest for commission work and a multitude of servers, group chats, and a near-constant stream of notifications every single day on top of working full-time overwhelmed me. My response was to completely check out of nearly everything, only sporadically checking in, and to those I've neglected or made feel slighted by my actions: I am