Alien modelIronMaiden720 on DeviantArt

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IronMaiden720's avatar

Alien model



I'm planning on using this model for a future alien invasion film.
I must say I love this design.

Tall = Dominant, intimidating.
Skinny: Intellectual appearance with big head.
Big, black eyes: Got's to have them. If it is going to be alien there must be no pupil. The black just makes it evil and uh.. darker =p
Long: Again, for the dominant feeling. The long skinny fingers even look 'intellectual' to me =p!

Pencil on pink construction paper =p

Creepy eh?
Image size
694x1578px 533.61 KB
© 2006 - 2024 IronMaiden720
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SimonZEZ's avatar
:O is it a girl model?? sexy Alien like fog :P nops jk.. i love the hip area coz you get to see the othah side! you get to see wot makes the alien and the shading is bad ass like foggies! coolo pink marshmellow colored papah B-)