
Tomur English lyrics

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ironia-vitae's avatar

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A room where comforts are sown
A room in which I am alone
Like I have been given a home
Like the ways of old days can now be disowned

This is the future we made
This is the world that awaits
This is, it's the kind of person I am

How many more times?
How many more times?
How many more times?
How many more times
Will you and I be wandering
Calling out into the night?

My words are out drifting somewhere
And no one has found them, I fear
If you find it in you to hear
I hope you know that I know that I've been unfair

I know these wounds can still bleed
And I know that's hard to believe
I know, but...  But it's just...

How many more times?
How many more times?
How many already, now?
Oh, how many times?

This is the future we made
This is the world that awaits
This is, it's the kind of person I'll be

And that's where you kissed over there
And the pain caught me unaware
That's where, it was here

And when you were here, you really were here
And when you are here, I also was here
And when I am here, you also were here
This is dedicated to Mimi, because it was her birthday recently, and I found out that Miku-tan sang this song for her birthday, and I had already loved this song, so I decided to do this.

<3333 Love you, Mimi!

:iconmiku-tan:'s beautiful cover of the original Japanese lyrics: [link]
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iChoulicio's avatar

Thank you so much for the lyrics, I hope it's ok that I used it here!