Van's wardrobe concepts [+details]IrisSeptim on DeviantArt

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Van's wardrobe concepts [+details]



Adding some more details for Van's (again). This time I added her modern clothes.

Some of her previous concepts I made were a bit too complex for her taste, so I made them easy for her to get out of. Her Doctor robes design are mostly concentrated on being clean and simple yet high class (thus the gold embroidery). This goes the same for her formal wear. I was inspired by Triss' alternate outfit. (Not very low profile there Ms. Marigold :XD) I really like the design but instead of white or teal like Triss', I coloured it green. 

Now, the modern clothes. Because why not? If the fanfic decide to bring her to Heatherfield, she need clothes that are comfortable. The white coats is reflect on her robes but her inner outfit has been cooking in my head. So, I made her and Phobos as my Sims in my game and pick whatever I have in the CAS to dressed them according to their scheme. In the end, Van ended up with swimsuits underneath her coat with jeans.

New details:
I gave Van A'lek'ho'lan's stone pendant that his worshipers wore from one of the scene in Ripples chapter 8. I suspect she wore it just because but has greater impact on other people that she is his avatar, which I found interesting. 

The hairpin was based on Van's hairstyle I tried before. I made it more elaborate and fancy with pearls and diamonds. 

Finally, the Doctor coat of arms. I realised that groups that held power has this. Thus, the birth of Meridian's first heraldry for doctors and hospitals. The symbol I took from bowl of Hygieia, which is for pharmacy and related to medicines in the ancient times. You can read more in wiki. At first, I wanted it the rod of Ascelpius or red cross. But I settle for this because I want the hospital strive to treat Meridian's citizen under Van's leadership.

Previous concepts: 1 |  2 | 3 
Phobos' concepts: 1  |  2
Elyon's concepts: 1
W.I.T.C.H's: In my gallery

For 'Ripples' fanfiction series (c) :iconwesteros11:
W.I.T.C.H (c) Walt Disney Co. & Elisabetta Gnone
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4012x3512px 4.42 MB
© 2020 - 2025 IrisSeptim
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LittleArtFox's avatar

Lovely character 😊