Deviation Actions
Redrawing the old chibi for samples of my commission. I changed the designs a bit, after having more knowledge on medieval armour and Nordic armour.
Elspeth, instead of the Archmage robes where I was reading, wore more something suitable for Skyrim environments. I took inspiration from Pyrelle’s fanart, then look around for the designs pinterest saved the day again
As for Maeve; funnily enough I still recalled when I asked a picture or screenshots of Maeve back in 2015(?) and she wore the glass armour. I never liked the glass armour in TESIV, probably they were too bright in-game (lol). I know the it was due to the volcanic glass and lore stuff but I prefer skyrim ver. And since Cyrodiil has the roman/greek vibe mixed with european medieval, I just go for basic armour BUT with glass in the design.
Characters belonged to @epicdisastersandstuff