Monumental defeat previewIrisSeptim on DeviantArt

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Monumental defeat preview



Was for 30days of WITCHversary for day 23, 24 & 29; Monumental, Inspirational & Origin.

This piece was fun to make but frustrating to finish, along with layers of burn-outs I had. Nonetheless, hopefully I made more frescos and murals for W.I.T.C.H-verse. You can take a gander here!

The shield was taken from King Richard I of England heraldry since I used it based on my theories for the Escanors.

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1512x1512px 640.79 KB
© 2021 - 2025 IrisSeptim
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Read your theories about the Escanors... And I need to ask the source about prince Escanor being from Richard Lionheart's time, as I can't find it.