Current Residence: WI
Favourite genre of music: Rock
Favourite style of art: I like Digital Painting mixed with Photomanips
Operating System: Its all held together with tape and bandaids
MP3 player of choice: I do not have one.... I suppose its time huh? an iTouch would be cool wanna buy me one?
Shell of choice: Milk Chocolate?..... What?
Wallpaper of choice: Um... Whatever im into at the moment I guess.
Skin of choice: Haha Soft smooth and sexy LOL
Favourite cartoon character: Assy McGee is LOL, Star Wars Clone wars, Simpsons
Personal Quote: It never got weird enough for me - H.S. Thompson
Favourite Visual Artist
Frank Frazetta, Ralph Steadman, Todd Lockwood, Edward Gorey
Favourite Movies
See above add a bunch
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Rock music makes me happy
Favourite Writers
RA Salvatore, Edward Gorey, many Star Wars writers Hunter S. Thompson, Edgar Allen Poe
Favourite Games
Monkey Island, Sam and Max, star wars, RPG
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC, Nintendo..
Tools of the Trade
I use an Intuos 3 tablet, Photoshop CS3, Painter IX, Morpheus Pro....
Other Interests
Star Wars, LOTR, Forgotten Realms, Indiana Jones, so on so on so on