Totoro and his leafIrise on DeviantArt

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Totoro and his leaf



I'm in a Hayao Miyazaki mood... if you can't tell. :D
This is the most adorable scene from the movie. I LOVE Totoro. :3

Please don't kill me for the crappy rain and background. I tried a ton of different rain techniques but none of them looked quite right. This one isn't the greatest either... but the rest looked too torrential...

And as for the background.... well I just hate backgrounds. And I'm lazy. Not a good combination. :X

I edited this picture because I really liked Totoro and the general feel of the image but I changed Satsuki's face, (because it really didn't look very good) made the ground actually look wet (as I forgot to add that in the original) and touched up the background just a little.
Hope you like this one better! :blowkiss:
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800x531px 60.71 KB
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ApolloSun87's avatar
Awww........So cute!