Rodrigo-Vega's avatar


Visual & Creative Development.
599 Deviations
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Artist // Professional // Varied
  • June 25
  • Argentina
  • Deviant for 16 years
  • He / Him
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Fancy Llama: Llamas are awesome! (1171)
Double Delicious Cake: But only half the calories! (2)
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (4)
Heart: Love is in the air, someone is thinking of you! (3)
Gold Coin 2023: Someone thinks you're golden! (1)
My Bio

Born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina. As a child I grew up with a passion for animals, dinosaurs, creatures and the art, games and toys depicting them that stayed with me for my entire life.
I cut my teeth as an illustrator at the age of 16, while still at school, working at the Bernardino Rivadavia Natural Sciences Argentine Museum. I continued to work in scientific illustrations through many years to come and published in a variety of instalations and publications including the National Geographic Magazine.
Over time I started favoring game art and media, and majored in game design. I worked on a host of independent games and even some small assignments for notable titles such as Paizo's Pathfinder and Riot's League of Legends.
Today I still take jobs in scientific and educational material, editorial fiction illustration and concept art, illustration and 3D texturing for all sorts of games and entertainment media while still pushing to develop my own original IPs for personal projects.

Favourite Visual Artist
James Gurney
Favourite Movies
Jurassic Park, Star Wars, Pan's Labyrinth, Aliens, Starship Troopers.
Favourite Games
Dungeons & Dragons, Age of Empires II, Subnautica, Into the Breach...
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Pencil, Ballpoint Pen, Photoshop, Substance Painter...
Other Interests
Game Design, Paleontology, Science Fiction...
So... a friend of mine recently linked me to this:'m not normally the one to rage over "they stehling muh artwerk!" lately, but this one seemed particularly grevious and largescale. It has 10ns of pages of my artwork and some other from people I can recognize at a glance. Apparently they are nearly lifting entire DA galleries from and selling prints with the images without the artist's consent.Google you own work (and other people's actions if you are so kind) and report it. Inform them of the illegality of their business model. If anyone knows how to blast this thing down from the web entire...
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Hey everyone! I want you all to know I'm not dead, and in fact I'm back alive and well from my time travels and I brought something directly from 2007! Are you ready?'s a facebook page! as foreshadowed by the title of this journal entry. Unlike the previous facebook page I had linked here in DA, this one does -not- belong to some random people completely unrelated to me. It's actually for my art-business needs.In a nutshell, yes; I'm shamelessly asking you all pretty please to click *Like* and *Share* on everything in it. Because I need to eat. Free advertising! As it so h...
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This is something I've been wanting to do for quite some time. For those of you who have ever asked; IRIRIV was some type of decomposition of a Tolkien-monogram-sort-rip-off-thing I used as personal symbol for like a month when I was 16/17? and created this account. Ever since, my Deviant Account became a pretty big thing (for me at least) becoming one of my main means of expressing myself, showing my work to friends and public and even as a major source of professional work. Eventually the name stuck and when you are not a premium account it's pretty much written in stone... Point being the name carried some problems: It was unpronounceab...
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Happy early birthday!

Tu trabajo es tan bonito <3

Hola Rodrigo, como estas? Tengo una duda y quizás vos puedes ayudarme. El lagarto overo puede controlar su temperatura corporal; y cuanto más grande un animal, más lento pierde el calor corporal, no? Podría un lagarto overo de 9 metros de largo vivir en un lugar de clima frio como Santa Cruz o Tierra del Fuego? (obviamente en invierno se metería bajo tierra a hibernar). Muchas gracias :D

Excelente pregunta! Yo creo que es una propuesta muy interesante. Efectivamente la "gigantotermia" como se la conoce permite por ejemplo a la tortuga laud habitar aguas frias en los mares del norte y en aguas profundas y frias. Así que... quien sabe? Quizás para animales marinos es más facil migrar, habria que ver que pueden hacer los especimenes jovenes antes de alcanzar las dimensiones que les permitan resistir el frío. Hibernan? migran al norte para reproducirse?

Estaba pensando en que los jóvenes podrían compartir una cueva, como los cocodrilos en la estación seca o varias serpientes en invierno, apiñarse les ayudaría un poco a aguantar el frió. (Todo esto es para un proyecto, y quiero que sea bastante pegado a la realidad)

Muchisimas gracias Rodrigo :)
You are awesome my friend.