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Pyroar and Litleo



I was originally planning to only have Litleo in this picture. But after watching Animal Planet I was inspired to draw this instead. Since I had already drawn a normal Pyroar, I decided to draw a shiny one this time. And I like the result... mostly.

There was more contrast in Pyroar's markings when it was still in flat colors. But after I drew the shadows and lights, the colors blended into eachother. However, when I finally noticed, it was to late to do anything about it.
I'm not very happy with Litleo's ears or the hind part of its body either.

But otherwise I like it. The background looks ok and the shadows turned out better than in my last pokemon picture.

Picture used as reference:…

Pyroar and Litleo © Nintendo

Image size
2472x1912px 594.87 KB
© 2014 - 2024 Irete
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spyrkle4's avatar

This reminds me of my shiny Pyroar Vanilla, so cute!