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Still alive!
817 Deviations

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Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
  • Apr 11
  • Deviant for 9 years
  • They / Them
I'm going to keep this brief, because some details are personal. My problems started when COVID restrictions hit, and I ended up being the only one in my family to keep their job. Because of this, working on comics became nearly impossible, but I planned to return to them eventually. Then much to my sadness, instead of finding a new job when restrictions were lifted, family members got too comfortable with reaping what I was sowing. The final straw was when an incident happened in my family (private. Don't ask details), but no one believed me. The only thing I could think of to escape the situation was to scrounge what money I had left, and move to another country to live with an online friend. My family would not let me take my cats, furniture, or provide any form of help, so when I got to my new home, I had nothing but the bare necessities. Seeing where I now stood in the family despite a lifetime of love and support, I cut ties with them. It's taken me literally YEARS to build everything back up from scratch. My roommate has been very supportive of that, and I have been getting help for depression and participating in a support group regarding what happened back at my old home. My mental health is slowly building back up, but due to outdated/unsupported art program and software, art is still on hiatus until I'm not too dirt poor to figure out the new stuff and do leisurely art posts. That includes Thrill of the Hunt. It's not dead, but it's still tucked away until I'm financially stable enough to get back in the groove Now before any of you do something crazy (I know you people are out there) please do not make any gofundmes or donations or something for me, because I want to do this on my own. The world is a tough place, so please save your money for when it matters the most. Letting me adult on my own is actually productive for my mental health. In conclusion to this update, I'm officially cancelling a plethora of comics and projects as listed: Machine Valet (donated to new author) Shadows Tale (Original author went solo) Ten Little Monkeys (cancelled) 3PISODE5 (cancelled) Undetective (cancelled) Aletta's story that I can't remember the title is also cancelled. Thrill of the Hunt and Buggy Situation are my babies, and I will never abandon them. However, I still don't have the mental or financial stability to pick them up yet. Hopefully soon! Currently, I am in a much better place now that I've been getting into the flow of things and being surrounded by a very positive support group. Thank you all for being so patient and understanding, and I hope to eventually entertain you all in the near future! In the mean time, please enjoy some comics from other artists that I like: Golden Shrike (doeprince) How to catch a Star (sleepysundae) XIII 2 (rottenribcage, but I think he has a new username now) Oh! Also! Sorry if I don't reply to you! My messages are broken, and the new DA format is a mess.
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0 min read
I know this probably isn't what you want to see from me after my long absence, but someone from my friend's server needs a bit of help paying for her medical bills. I spent the majority of my money moving to a different country, and am still trying to build up my funds again, but if you're able, could you please donate? She is a very nice girl, and doesn't deserve to be in this situation. Donate here: https://gofund.me/3d840519 If you're unable to spare any money, then could you please spread the word? I promise, I'll come back on better terms. I'm just trying to help a friend in need while also getting my own feet back under me.
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0 min read
People are confused about my previous journal entree, so I'm going into more detail without revealing too much. I'm moving so that I give some people a chance to get their life back together, and also myself. Not saying names, but some people have been using me to do their responsibilities instead of doing them themselves. I helped them at first because they needed time to recover, but the fact is that they aren't recovering because they're used to me doing everything for them. Me moving away will hopefully get them to realize that they need to step up and take responsibility. Please don't say anything bad about the people. They are good people, but they're making bad choices right now. Hopefully this action helps them heal. This also gives me a chance to step into fresh air. Find myself and grown, you know? My life was stagnated at home, and this is me taking steps forward. The only reason I'm not saying where I'm going or what new job I have is because (believe it or not) some fans
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@Ipku so recently with the help of some friends i have got the bravery to talk about something before i joined deviantart. Something that you helped me get through.

To explain you and a few others like @John117-MasterChief and @Oniiix helped me get through a dark period in my life, i won’t get into detail but just to say it…. I was verbal abuse by my ex and because of these individuals like you I was able to get through by either their artworks, their characters or their stories,

Your story thrill of the hunt helps me through this period. If you remember i talked you about creating a character that was inspired by Elias…. It was during that time I was going through the abuse….. i just wanted to say thank you and to others. If you see please message me on deviantart because i would like to thank you properly

 I'm here from youtube :I

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You speak my heart man

I see that you haven't made any posts for a couple of years now, so I just hope you are doing well, whenever you see this.

Hey, I just got to know, are you going to continue the Shadow's Tale or Thrill of the Hunt stories that you stopped for a all all time?

Glad I found about your art and story. I've been a fan even before I got an account....if you're there then all I want to say is....... it's an honor.