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IosifChezan's avatar

A glimpse of HOTS Epic Universe



UPDATE: Oh, I got into semi-finals! Heroes of the Storm Contest Semi-Finalists
It feels beyond words! It was an honor to participate aside so many great entries, and it is an honor to be near such talented artists in the first 25 selected!

Here is my try to mirror a glimpse of what Blizzard shared with us all... all those in thirst for magic universes with inspiring colors, surprising design and dynamics, eager to experience unmatched gameplay inside thrilling epic adventures.  What more cozy place to feed the call of the Hero inside of us rather then a Blizzard Universe? 

I planned this as  an iconic pyramidal composition with 3 representative characters from 3 different Blizz universes - Diablo, Zerathul and Illidan.

I painted it with such a passion in all my spare time of the month (days or nights, even without sleep in the last night); nevertheless I finished it only one hour before the contest was about to be closed. On such theme it is impossible to stop and say "i'm satisfied, there is nothing i could imagine, add or enhance" :)

ps. The characters whom i play most inside Heroes of The Storm are Illidan and Zerathul :)
*Awesome artworks in this contest! Good luck to everyone!

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4000x2250px 5.38 MB
© 2015 - 2024 IosifChezan
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RachelFrasier's avatar
Congrats on semi-finals with this piece! This is really good, so much to discover.