Keep the ReceiptInyuo on DeviantArt

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Keep the Receipt



"You're getting blood all over the carpet!"

Erm, right
So there I was, innocently doodling away in practise for an equally innocent comic...
... when THIS happened

It struck completely without warning. There were no survivors.

I guess subconsciously I could've been thinking "Hmm, yes. It'd be delightfully amusing for Zelda to witness the brutalities she makes Link go through to win her heart".
But un-subconsciously I'm pretty sure the idea was "Wouldn't it be funny if Link lopped Ganondorf's head off har har"

And that's pretty much the limit of my sophistication
Image size
750x591px 308.07 KB
© 2009 - 2025 Inyuo
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It would be different if Zelda was based on Japan.