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Boxing Match



[Anuza Edit] Improved panels. I think. I really cant tell. Presentation is not my forte

[edit] hmmm . . . a lot of joke seemed to be lost in translation. Originally the last panel was to have dialog: perhaps it needed it

With two weeks or so of absence, I thought I should probably update something. And that something turned out to be a brawl comic
Hooray . . .

This is basically just an expansion on this and unfortunately turned out a little likethis, which is an awesome comic, but not one of my own
so bleh

not even guna start talking about all the inaccuracies in this. Instead I'm going to see if you can spot them all: y'know, sort like "Where's Wally" of the critic world.
p.s. please dont tell me if you do

Last thing, wont be updating anything (wont be starting anything) till AT LEAST the 6th June, as its extreme hardcore revision time
but I'll still be here answering messages and wotnot
just, sorta, distantly
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2147x3411px 2.31 MB
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