ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
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The little mermaid drew back the crimson curtain of the tent, and beheld the fair bride with her head resting on the prince’s breast. She bent down and kissed his fair brow, then looked at the sky on which the rosy dawn grew brighter and brighter; then she glanced at the sharp knife, and again fixed her eyes on the prince, who whispered the name of his bride in his dreams. She was in his thoughts, and the knife trembled in the hand of the little mermaid: then she flung it far away from her into the waves; the water turned red where it fell, and the drops that spurted up looked like blood. She cast one more lingering, half-fainting glance at the prince, and then threw herself from the ship into the sea, and thought her body was dissolving into foam.
-The Little Mermaid, Hans Christian Anderson
work in progress
i hope i'll actually finish it this time
-The Little Mermaid, Hans Christian Anderson
work in progress
i hope i'll actually finish it this time
Image size
2133x1638px 240.33 KB
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