Thank You SO MuchInvaderKimmy on DeviantArt

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Thank You SO Much



:wall of text: 
I'm overwhelmed with all the beautiful comments that were posted in reply to my forum topic…. It's beyond flattering, it's unbelievable. Thanks to everyone who gave their opinion, even the brutally honest ones. Each and every one of you was a single stitch that helped put me back together. I had not gotten on DA for a while since I was so depressed, but I never expected to come back and discover so many lovely things written to me. It's so much to take in and I'm close to crying because I'm just so happy. Thanks again to everyone for the support. I know exactly what to do now: ignore all the rude people in my life and let in the ones that have been there all along. I'll look back at all these whenever I feel like taking drastic, stupid actions. I honestly can't express how grateful I am. Now I realized that I always have a friend here and this is a safe place. 

Lily Thank you Thanks again everyone, for saving me :ilovedevart: 
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