inunokanojo's avatar


190 Watchers456 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
Delicious Cake: My, that's a delicious cake (1)
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (362)
My Bio

Current Residence: USA
Favourite genre of music: everything
Favourite photographer: all the wonderful stock providers that give us free stock to use.
Operating System: Vista
MP3 player of choice: Ipod Nano
Favourite cartoon character: Mugen and Jin
Personal Quote: "We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?"~11th Doctor

Favourite Movies
Star Wars, Anything by Marvel, X-Men/Wolverine movies.....
Favourite TV Shows
Supernatural, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Torchwood, House, Eureka, Game of Thrones, Warehouse 13, The Walking Dead and many more
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
A little bit of everything but just to name a few; Nickelback, Eminem, Aerosmith, NIN
Favourite Books
The Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit, Memoirs of a Geisha, Song of Ice and Fire series, Hunger Games trilogy, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and way too many more to list.
Favourite Writers
Shakespeare, Tolkien, Stephen King, Ted Dekker, George R. R. Martin.....
Favourite Games
Final Fantasies, Resident Evils, God of Wars, Metal Gear Solids, Zeldas, Devil May Cry series, Bioshock Infinite, Mass Effects, and the list goes on and on.
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Photoshop CS6 Extended
Other Interests
Loki! So kneel you mewling quims for he is burdened with GLORIOUS PURPOSE!!!

Hello Sweetie~

0 min read
Hello everyone!! It's been forever since I've been on DA other than to fave some stuff and check messages now and then.  A HUGE thank you for all the faves, comments, etc I have received.  I haven't been active for quite awhile now and I don't know how active I'll be in the near future.  Just wanted to let my watchers and everyone know I'm still alive and kicking and actually have a couple projects in the works.  Maybe I'll get them done soon and posted.  Have went through some pretty rough patches over the last year and a half and my muse is just now starting to bring itself out of hiding.  I love finally having the urge to draw and do wo...
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Feature Time!!

0 min read
Awesomesauce!! That is my gallery! *By downloading and using my stock you agree to follow my rules.  I reserve the right to have any any deviation not following my rules removed.  The rules are also subject to change at anytime* Rules! Do's: :bulletgreen:You must be an active member of DA to use.:bulletgreen:You must credit me with a link back to this account in your artist's description.:bulletgreen:Notify me of your use of my stock with a note or leave a comment on the stock image or my front page with a link to your deviation so that I can fave it and see what you've done with it.:bulletgreen:DA prints are okay. No need to ask for permi...
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Awesomesauce!! That is my gallery! *By downloading and using my stock you agree to follow my rules.  I reserve the right to have any any deviation not following my rules removed.  The rules are also subject to change at anytime* Rules! Do's: :bulletgreen:You must be an active member of DA to use.:bulletgreen:You must credit me with a link back to this account in your artist's description.:bulletgreen:Notify me of your use of my stock with a note or leave a comment on the stock image or my front page with a link to your deviation so that I can fave it and see what you've done with it.:bulletgreen:DA prints are okay. No need to ask for permi...
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Profile Comments 1.3K

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hi ! Ashley , Thank you very much for the +fav :happybounce: 
Happy Happy..Onion 
Thank you for the faves!

+fav Thank you ! Have a great weekend Be my valentine?
Thank you for the fav! Hug :happybounce: 
Thank you for favoring my work :blackrose:
Thank you for the :+fav: on Sakura Onigiri papercraft! :happybounce:
Have a great week! Swing 
:iconhappybirthday1plz::iconhappybirthdayplz2::iconhappybirthdayplz3::iconhappybirthdayplz4: :iconbirthdaycakeplz: :icongiftplz: I hope that you have a marvelous day, an AWESOME birthday and an AMAZING year to come, chock full of everything good! :hug: Happy birthday, mia amiga! All the best to you! :iconbrewplz: :iconchampagneplz: