3 min read

Deviation Actions

intano-stock's avatar
Hello Everybody :wave:

This is the Stock Account of :iconintano: i hope you like it:aww:

:police:Stock Rules:police:
:bulletred: Don't use my stock to create new STOCK!! because i added them all for people to use as stock , no need to create a new stock picture with them :no:
:bulletred:Note MEintano-stock when you've used my stock so i can see the result of your work.
:bulletred:PLEASE!! send me a NOTE!!!so i can follow it in an easy way.
:bulletred:Always credit me with an icon or link, and the name or icon clearly visible  intano-stock  
:bulletred: If you make your work available as prints, you can do that :D no need to ask :nod:
:bulletred:Don't use my stock for illegal, racist, pornographic or violence works!!if you do that, i have to report this!!
:bulletred:You can use my stock pictures outside of the DA!! but please just let me know:pray:that’s all!!
:bulletred:Just use the pictures in the stock category. Don't use my ID's!!
:bulletred:You have to delete your work from your gallery if you don't abide these rules above.
:bulletred: Anything else you'd like to know - you can also note to intano


:below: FOR EXCLUSIVE STOCKS :below:

:bulletred:Exclusive stocks are only for DONATORS and CONTEST WINNERS !!
:bulletred: if you donate money or subscription to my stock, u can have any of them :D (i can accept paypal payment to )
:bulletred:Anything you like to know, u can send note to intano-stock or intano
© 2009 - 2024 intano-stock
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AdelinaBunget's avatar
you had me at "listening to Muse"