I wanna give a Big Thank You to those who gave me all this nice feedback on my posts this year! I'm not super fast at replying, but I do very much appreciate it!
Now as you may know, I'm working on these “Instruments of Tamriel” ... but did I also tell you that they are being assembled into an illustrated book?
Maybe I didn't, maybe I did, but you didn't caare to read. But in any case, this book has now reached a point where I feel confident enough to spill some beans. So if that makes you curious, stay put for some info in the near future!
And if any of you crave a closer look so much, that you would like to support me in turn, you can now subscribe to my newly opened Patreon (English) or Steady account (German) for exclusive sketches and WIP stuff.
All the other channels, that is Instagram, Reddit or my Website, are also still being updated with the more-or-less-regular posts.
So that were the important news. But if you want to read more about the project, then let me just get