InsanelyCute's avatar


... is what I am not !
47 Watchers234 Deviations



Days Fade

The year is ending Days fade, weeks fade Thoughts vanish into fantasy And reach out into spaceCan't you feel it?The world is ending Walls break, peace breaks Reality transforms into illusion Hopes turn into insanityIsn't time running out?!


234 deviations

Days Fade

The year is ending Days fade, weeks fade Thoughts vanish into fantasy And reach out into spaceCan't you feel it?The world is ending Walls break, peace breaks Reality transforms into illusion Hopes turn into insanityIsn't time running out?!


234 deviations


Toad on its stool. Watching the world. Being so cool.


24 deviations

Good Morning

Good morning, Little one A new day’s on!Open your eyes and greet the wind!Good morning, Little one Life has begun!


8 deviations

Less Than Nothing To You

Your eyes are green, that I can tell. The colour of your hair is a pale blond, Camouflaged under chemical tones of blues and violets You have decided to create your own reality.Just one shy gaze and I am sure I love you But you don't even bother to turn your head, Boring, a side note crouching in your way, occupying space, Clearly, I am less than nothing to you.You descend, the doors of the train open and close I could live with the fact that I will never see you again But I despair, for the moment the train leaves You turn around, lift your eyes and smile at me.


15 deviations

Ding Dong

Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead! All big hair and no hat Someone put some make-up on Ding Dong Good Girl Gone Bad! Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead! All colours and no black Someone likes to dress in drag Ding Dong The Witch Is Dad!


12 deviations

Ueber Den Wolken

Über den Wolken muss die Freiheit wohl grenzenlos sein Alle Ängst alle Sorgen sagt man blieben darunter verborgen und dann Würde was uns groß und wichtig erscheint plötzlich nichtig und klein Über den Wolken / Above The Clouds von/by Reinhard Mey Above the clouds freedom must be infinite All fears and all worries are said to be concealed beneath them - and then Everything that seems so great and important to us would become void and small


19 deviations

Brevettes On Bad Weather

cold c h i l l i n g bonerain w e t t i n g feetwind p u l l i n g clothesme r u s h i n g home


40 deviations

past midnight

past midnight cheap lamp cheap phone and a cheap music box they are on the world blares at me but i'm all's here no mystery there little notepad cheap headset assembled and crammed on a trash plastic copy of a thonet doesn't help this place is quiet silent like a tomb items, not searched but randomly found crammed and assembled without a care here in this room.


14 deviations

My Non-Existing Tombstone - Part 7

This is what's written on my non-existing tombstone:How sad you were wronged How mad how you went Too bad you weren't strong How glad you returned How well we understandNo need for a grave, thus Or some ceremony No crying for you, dear Or a farewell-party.You're in peace, yet don't rest Don't decay and won't rust Oh, dearly beloved You're immortal to usHow nice you're so helpful How descrete and how useful How stunningly... um... cuteful How totally compelling How absolutely telling!How couraged and how rightful How not at all frightful How compassionate a listener How completely devoted To matters passed unnoticedSo no tombstone for you S...


7 deviations
Drama About To Happen


13 deviations

A Drop's Life - The Waterdrop - A Tanka

A drop's life is short Forming, keeping itself then Falling from the heightRain clouds have sent it down south For matters most importantA drop's life is good Hitting the ground or the green Flora and faunaWater for the human race Indispensable to life


21 deviations

brevettes of asses

lame ass       s h i r k i n gfaggot ass     f l e e i n g    scary ass      s c r e a m i n glazy ass        s l e e p i n gbad ass        s m i r k i n gsad ass        w e e p i n gsexy ass       t e a s i n gsneaky ass     c r e e p i n gbusy ass       w o r k i n gripoff ass      s t e a l i n gheavy ass      b e a t i n gsleazy ass     g r e a s i n gnaggy ass      i r k i n g


19 deviations

Days Fade

The year is ending Days fade, weeks fade Thoughts vanish into fantasy And reach out into spaceCan't you feel it?The world is ending Walls break, peace breaks Reality transforms into illusion Hopes turn into insanityIsn't time running out?!


11 deviations