
Ueber Den Wolken

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InsanelyCute's avatar

Literature Text

Über den Wolken muss die Freiheit wohl grenzenlos sein

Alle Ängst alle Sorgen sagt man blieben darunter verborgen und dann

Würde was uns groß und wichtig erscheint plötzlich nichtig und klein

Über den Wolken / Above The Clouds von/by Reinhard Mey

Above the clouds freedom must be infinite

All fears and all worries are said to be concealed beneath them - and then

Everything that seems so great and important to us would become void and small

All my work on DeviantArt belongs to me. These poems and pictures are protected and may neither be modified nor be used. "All rights reserved"

"Über Den Wolken" is a song by chansonnier Reinhard Mey. It is about flying and a German classic.

Preview picture taken by LittleMe!
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