The Moscow SagainObrAS on DeviantArt

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inObrAS's avatar

The Moscow Saga



View of the Kotelnicheskaya Embankment Building [link] from the Moscow River [link]
Moscow, Russia :heart:

Снова гранит раскален от огня,
Жаром все пышит три ночи - три дня,
А облака на картинке
Манят прохладой меня...

Ах, эти тучи над Москвой
Напоминают лето,
Напоминают город мой,
И свежий ветер над рекой.
На шпили небо волзложив,
Под звуки вальса мы кружим
Среди дождя грибного мы кружим с тобою...

Жаркий мотив раскаленных камней
Стонет повсюду сильней и сильней,
Пусть хоть на миг он остынет
По тенью подошвы моей.


Зной пролетит, как плохое кино,
Асфальтовых трещин сдерет полотно.
И не успеешь умыться,
Как ты увидишь в окно...


by :iconandrew-mac:
Another Stalin`s skyscrapers in Moscow... ;)

Image size
800x800px 710.42 KB
Canon EOS 500D
Shutter Speed
1/200 second
Focal Length
18 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Jul 17, 2010, 7:12:50 AM
© 2010 - 2024 inObrAS
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twixie09's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star: Impact

The second I saw this photograph, it literally took my breath away. First off, the lighting is just gorgeous. I adore the way the sun is shining through the clouds. My eyes were immediately drawn to the castle in the back, then to my delight, I realized there was so much more to be seen. There's the boardwalk (or whatever you would like to call it), the castle, the bridge, the water, the sky. There's just so much to capture and hold the eye's attention.

The angle at which you shot this is also lovely. I'm not sure if you climbed over the railing or reached over and took the picture, but either way, I love it. You are so close to the water, it makes the viewer feel more like they're observing the scene not as a person, but just as it is. If that makes sense.

This shot overall is absolutely gorgeous. Very nice work! <img src="…" width="20" height="20" alt=":clap:" title="Clap"/>