SharonLeggDigitalArt's avatar


Digital Artist / Photographer
437 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Digital Art
  • Sep 1
  • United States
  • Deviant for 18 years
  • She / Her
Double Delicious Cake: But only half the calories! (2)
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (1)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
Fancy Llama: Llamas are awesome! (1349)
My Bio

Digital Artist/Photographer

Photography: Retired doing mostly nature photography.

My work is copyrighted Sharon Legg Photography OR Sharon Legg Digital Arts.

My images belong only to me and are not for public use or stock photos. Therefore, my photos/digital arts are not to be reproduced, copied, downloaded, manipulated, edited, published, transmitted/distributed, drawn or used on any other site or web without my prior WRITTEN permission.

To use any of my work without my written permission will be considered theft and action will be taken. This also includes desktops and screen savers as well as taking my photographs by copying and pasting. Featuring my work on any OTHER site than deviantArt requires PRIOR written permission from me.

All of my creations on my dA site, are protected by copyright and intellectual property rights, which are registered and controlled by Sharon Legg Photography & Digital Arts.

My life came to an abrupt halt when my husband died in 2014. You go through the motions and you meet your responsibilities and the days roll by. I made myself adjust to the lack of "the light of my life" burning bright and pushed forward back into a life.  We all go through similar situations and make our adjustments in our own way. The challenge isn't getting up each day or making a meal for one. The challenge is knowing your life you came to love and enjoy more than anything will never be the same.  The challenge is allowing yourself to be happy and enjoy life without feeling guilty that you are happy, sort of.As the holidays approach, r...
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A DD for ME!!

0 min read
I am not on here much, but what a surprise to see that I was awarded a DD for my photo, "I AM."  Thank you the ones involved in the process and to those who left such wonderful messages. While this honor does encourage me, the plight of all of our animals in this world is serious.  The population of the gorilla is estimated at 40,000, although it is declining due to habitat loss, as well as poaching. Please honor this photo and species of animal by supporting people who are actively working to save the gorillas and all other endangered species of this world as you can.
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It is with a heavy heart that I share that my husband, Terry, went to heaven on this date. Nothing will ever be the same. I will not be here much, if at all as I take stock of my life as it has become. I am ok... well ok as one can be after the loss of my hubby whose face, smile, smell, laugh, jokes are ingrained in my mind/body for the last 36 years. But life goes on. The sun still shines, the birds still sing, our cats still play and love me every day. They all are just a little less bright without him....
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Profile Comments 11.2K

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Dear Sharon I hope you are well and have a beautiful day.:heart:

Happy Birthday!:party:

You are missed.:hug:

Happy Birthday Sharon!
Happy Birthday by little-one-girl
Smilie Geb 118 by poisen2014        Birthday Girl by little-one-girl        Birthday Cake by poisen2014

Happy Birthday!!!May you have a awesome day and many more!!!God bless!Hugs!  Glen:icontoyhorseplz:  :iconrainbowbummiecakeplz::iconrainbowbummiecakeplz::iconrainbowbummiecakeplz::happybounce: :happybounce: :happybounce:
all the best Sharon !
  :iconcaikplz:    :iconcakechocplz:  :iconaqua-hplz: :iconaqua-aplz: :iconaqua-pplz: :iconaqua-pplz: :iconaqua-yplz:  :iconcakepinkplz:   :iconhotchocplz:
:iconballoonsplz: :iconaqua-bplz: :iconaqua-iplz: :iconaqua-rplz: :iconaqua-tplz: :iconaqua-hplz: :iconaqua-dplz: :iconaqua-aplz: :iconaqua-yplz: :iconballoonsplz2:
:iconhappybirthdaysignplz: :iconpresentplz::iconcheerplz::iconpineappletardplz::iconbummiesplz::iconlaplayplz::iconladrumplz::iconlabeatplz::iconballoonplz::iconpresentplz: :iconhappybirthday2plz:
Happy Birthday Sharon!