Just a portuguese writer.
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Among others.
Thank you so much for the watch!
lol I saw Metazoica’s blog the other day and now she’s gone full MAGAhat. If you knew already, then I guess at least it’s becoming more common knowledg.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised, she was always a nutjob and extremely conservative. Her project now lies in obscurity except in "not do to" lists, so she reaped what she sowed.
And here’s another one who’s been outed, this time from the same country as you; https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1038153253558435963/1245389748915142726/image0.jpg?ex=66704e16&is=666efc96&hm=c5aeacd29ade0047152141e16cf2c76033b8f3a7db19dfbddc516f653aa6cf02&
Never heard of 'im before. Probably for the best
Yeah I saw some of the headlines and…yeah the old “some of my best friends are gay” energy is strong