Mistborn - Vin II v.2Inkthinker on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/inkthinker/art/Mistborn-Vin-II-v-2-122875838Inkthinker

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Mistborn - Vin II v.2


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Based on the novel The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson. This is the color version of the greyscale painting I posted a week or so ago.

Made the ash flakes a bit smaller all around, and of course it's got some color now. It's a similar color scheme to the one I used for this older image from the same series. Basically I went over the greyscale Layers with a layer of flat color (set to Multiply) over the top, and then threw in a couple overlaying Layers to set the light. Total chop-job.

And I opened her eyes up. That went back and forth for a while, I like both versions for different reasons. This is true of the whole color/grey thing in general. Let me know which version you prefer.

1600x2400@400, illustrated in PS CS2 on the Cintiq 21UX, putting in color added maybe an hour, hour and a half to the time for a total of around 5-6 hours.
Image size
800x1200px 553.9 KB
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After reading the scene in the book, I just had to wonder if someone drew this. Thank you!