MHI - Vehicle CombatInkthinker on DeviantArt

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MHI - Vehicle Combat


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One of several interior illustrations seen in the impending Hero Games Monster Hunter International Employee Handbook, the tabletop RPG and worldbook based on the Monster Hunter series of kickass urban fantasy novels by Larry Correia. Check it out at bigger size with the Download option.

This is one of the few that I did which involved an actual character from the book. Earl Harbinger, MHI chief and head bad-ass, riding alonside a van full of wicked cultists while blasting away at them one-handed with his WW2-era Thompson. I got to choose what sort of motorcycle he would ride... I had the idea that it would be a Harley at first, but Mr. Correia tells me that his bike is never actually brand-named, and so I decided to put Earl on a vintage Indian Army model, to go with his typewriter. And I did my best to get his minotaur-hide bomber jacket right, too.

The purple-robed cultists were a consistent bunch of mooks I put into a couple of the pieces I had, but only these guys get the gold-plated D.Eagle to go with their MAC-10s and RPGs. Probably nicked the whole package from some Libyan terrorists in the 1980s. Great Scott, that's heavy.

PS CS5.5 on the ol scuffy Cintiq 21. Let me know what you think, if you have any suggestions for improving my technique I'm definitely all ears.
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You ever do any historical references with Mordecai Barrica in his prime?