Inkscape 0.46 About Screen Contest

5 min read

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Inkscapers's avatar
Hey all!

Woohoo! After one of our longest development cycles, it's that time again! The Inkscape team and community is preparing to release Inkscape 0.46. As usual, since we will be releasing a new version of Inkscape in the near future, we need to have a new about screen done.

:bulletgreen:Our goal is to show off what the new version of Inkscape can do in an artistic manner.
:bulletgreen:You should use a current SVN build (aka nightly build) to show off some new features. Nightly builds can be obtained from our downloads page (link is below) under the “Development Versions” section. It is highly recommended to get the most recently dated version.
:bulletgreen:The contest will run from December 20, 2007 - January 6 2008.

:bulletred:The canvas dimensions must be 750x625 px / 600x500 pt (your image can bleed outside of the canvas, but anything outside of the canvas border will not be rendered).
:bulletred:It must be made in Inkscape only with no post processing as we will require the SVG file to use for the about screen. Note: Your SVG file will be distributed with Inkscape 0.46.
:bulletred:It must use SVG filters and/or Live Path Effects. We also recommend you explore the 3D box tool and the tweak tool (as well as the "engravers toolbox" via the calligraphy tool).
:bulletred:It must load relatively fast since it will be rendered in real-time when someone views the about screen (the SVG's file size needs to be taken into consideration too).
:bulletred:It must include the Inkscape logo and the following text "Inkscape", "0.46", "Draw Freely.", "", and last but not least, your name, signature, or online handle (whichever you'd prefer).
:bulletred:There can be a maximum of two (2) entries submitted per community member.
:bulletred:It must not contain anything inappropriate or otherwise offensive.
:bulletred:We will need for you to post your SVG file online as well (either here on DA or on your own blog, website, or FTP) at the time of submission. You may need to put it in a zip file if DA doesn't allow you to upload SVG. If your SVG files are not online by the contest deadline, those entries will be disqualified.
:bulletred:Have fun!

January 6, 2008

Having your art be the About Screen for the new version and a credit for your work.

Preliminary judging will be done by the Inkscape community on DeviantART. The community judging period will be from January 7, 2008 - January 12, 2008. When we have an official “Top 3”, they will then be turned over to the Inkscape developers for final judging. Please note that once turned over to the developers, after they have chosen the winner they may have requests for modifications.

Relevant links:
:pointr:Inkscape Website
:pointr:Inkscape downloads page
:pointr:Draft Release Notes - These are VERY helpful to learn about what new features you can take advantage of.
:pointr:Please show the announcement some love.

As with our previous contests, please post your submissions to your gallery or scraps and then post a reply to this Journal entry with a link.

Good luck everyone!

Posted by :iconscislac: on behalf of the rest of the Inkscape developers. Draw Freely.

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LDS-Jedi's avatar
Any idea as to when 0.47 will go stable?